Champions Of Creativity In Digital Design
Open Letter To Creative Agencies Everywhere

Dear creative agency and ad agency professionals.
Right now you’re working harder and earning the same or less and not for the reason you’re thinking. Not because your agency bosses are pocketing the difference, but because margins in our industry are getting squeezed and non-agency providers are literally cutting your agency’s lunch.
Previously there was enough to go around for everyone. Proper agencies couldn’t be bothered creating digital assets like apps, campaign landing pages or websites. They would be happier marking up outsourced production and passing it through to the client at an overinflated value. Or even better, many would thrash about trying to establish and manage a full stack internal digital production and sys-ops team. Non-core business can be expensive, even disastrous.
Profit margins continue to shrink and the only way many agencies will stay alive is by paying less and overworking their team, which is unsustainable.
This vicious cycle only ends when you start valuing your agency business, your talent and your digital clients. Oh, and you simply have to regain control of your clients ongoing web development spend.
It’s creativity and profitability that will win the day, not simply more billing. And for this, we need agencies fighting for their creative value, fight for the relationship and fight for control of their clients digital brand, project and revenue.
The smart agencies are adding layers of resilience by using best in class technologies to win back more high margin billable projects. That's where we shine.
By engaging with our Blutui professional web development platform, any agency, any creative studio, any marketing team on the planet can take ultimate control over its digital destiny.
Firstly, Blutui provides any sized agency, anywhere with the tools to create a digital presence instantly by branding Blutui as their own platform.
Next any Key Account Manager can take control of creating a project, assigning a talented front end web developer to build the site and welcoming the client to review. Content management tasks can be assigned to the agency or the client may prefer to manage content updates, either way it’s easy and can be managed from absolutely anywhere without the risk of messing up the design aesthetic. The developer locks down the design elements so there’s no chance a rogue client can destroy that award winning site.
Thirdly (weird word), and this is key - your agency doesn’t even need to have front end developers on staff. You control the project and invite talent from anywhere as long as they know the basics of HTML and CSS. That’s right, you choose if you want the fixed overhead as talent can be from within your studio, external freelance talent or you can even be cheeky and ask your current web provider to build in Blutui - your Blutui, so that you’re in control.
Creativity full stop. I’m sure your studio creatives want to maintain insane levels of creativity, develop incredible websites fast, win awards and deliver massive value to your digital brand clients. Who wouldn’t? And why not, especially when it comes with improved profitability. We have built exactly what you’ve been looking for and we’ve made it easy and affordable for agencies.
No more crappy low performing websites built in DIY technologies, your clients see through that immediately and resent paying the invoice for something a student could produce.
No more over bloated sites built from scratch at massive cost through the entire value chain, with Blutui the platform is set for amazing front end talent to shine, with all the backend infrastructure and hosting taken care of by Blutui and AWS.
This doesn’t have to be a tale of woe, there is a massive upside to streamlining your digital business with Blutui. Improved creativity, efficient build times, lower overhead and improved profitability.
Let’s reclaim digital. Let’s get back to being creative. Let’s save agencies with Blutui.
Graeme Blake
CEO & Founder