AI assisted code generator


Components form the building blocks of every client project.

Create, style and re-use Components and realize efficiencies in your workflow while maintaining absolute creative control over your code.

AI Components assist you to quickly create exactly what you need for each successful project.

Instantly create anything from forms to footers, headers to hero-sections. You simply prompt-to-create the Component you want, making your development experience stress-free, seamless and efficient.


How does this AI help me with my agency?

Blutui AI Components tool reduces the learning curve, making it easier for your talented team to get started on the Blutui platform.

Instantly generate code for client projects using text prompts.

Your agency will quickly build up valuable digital assets to satisfy for your clients UX/UI requirements.

How does this AI help me with my project?

Blutui AI Components tool offers talented front-end developers a speedy way to code the basic components for any project.

Maybe you want a navigation bar with a logo in the center, 4 navigation links, a contact us and login button. Simply start typing and a visual reference will start generating in front of your eyes followed by the code to make great things happen.

Easily iterate if you’re not entirely happy with the initial design.

Click the Blutui code and add it to your project in the appropriate spot and start styling.




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