Hey Adland, you’ve left something behind
It’s completely unnatural for any agency to leave so much client cash on the table.

Having recently returned from our first agency workshop tour of Singapore, as well as enjoying some amazing Singapore-style hospitality, sights and secrets, we got to talk turkey with key Adland folk about the size of the prize we’re helping them to win.
Historically digital and not-so-digital studios have been focused on building teams to tackle the $M+ specialist projects that define a brands technological relevance to their customer. The “big end of digi-town” if you will. All the while giving the cold-shoulder to the every-day digital requirements a client may have. The micro-sites, the campaign landing pages, the lead generation sites and web apps, large and small. At a conservative estimate this is easily a billion dollars in lost revenue annually in North America alone.
The big projects suck all the available developer resources and there isn’t a suitable platform (ahem, there is and we’ve built it) to deliver much else.
So what agencies have been doing up until now is delivering these smaller projects using all manner of vendors or internal resource using DIY, low and no-code technology that's simply not built for studio digital delivery.
This is supremely inefficient and dangerous in terms of client stickiness. Agencies often find themselves delivering these smaller projects at a loss because the tech is inefficient, too prescriptive, not universal enough for a multi-project studio, and constricts creativity.
Studios get themselves into a huge mess trying to administer the multitude of software selected over time. It’s called digital fragmentation and it leads to legacy tech, lots of it. But at least you’re keeping the client in the tent right?
Well . . . maybe not.
When the experience is painful, slow, inefficient and messy clients are likely to get a case of the wandering eye anyway. While agencies that opt out of servicing their clients digital requirements, leave them to navigate the digital coastline to find safe harbour elsewhere.
Blutui solves the problem by presenting agencies with an exclusive-to-Adland universal digital delivery platform that enables anything from brand microsites to complex, heavily data driven web-application-scale projects to be managed, resourced, built and maintained. All in a brandable agency eco-system that screams digital dominance to your clients.
Why did we build Blutui?
We’re agency folk too.
We’ve been in the same trenches battling the same issues you find yourself fighting every day. That is, every day until we landed on the fact that nobody else was going to fix the issues we were faced with, so we set about to fix it ourselves.
We decided to do what we can to help agencies everywhere capitalize on digital projects more efficiently, to help them stop haemorrhaging cash with misdirected resources and legacy technologies that won’t let you build exactly what you want, and to stop leaving cash on the digital project table.
This meant developing the right platform that enables agencies to confidently say ‘yes’ a whole lot more than they do at the moment. And voila, that's what we’ve done. Among other things this is what the Blutui platform offers agencies everywhere.
What did our Singapore workshops teach us?
The key takeout from our recent foray into the SEA/APAC digital development hub is this.
Every single day agencies large and small are saying no to digital client work, driving the client to look elsewhere, triggering a free-radical mindset which is now searching outside your agency tent for a solution your agency should be taking care of.
Even worse, agencies everywhere, yours included, are leaving a mountain of cash on the table in lost projects and inefficiency. Blutui has both covered and we’d love to show you how, if you’re an agency, we won’t support anyone external to Adland.
Often you won’t find out until it’s too late. A vendor you have never heard of pops up out of nowhere and is now working on a project with your client. YOUR CLIENT.
A project your team should be tackling because why? Because they are your client and you’re their agency, for now at least.
What’s next?
Too easy. We work together on this. You and us, us and you together.
Help us to help you reclaim your digital authority with clients who, when left to their own devices, will look elsewhere or self cater. I’m not sure which is worse but either way you’re missing out on cash now, cash soon and cash well into the future.